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:: ONE ::

It all starts with a dream. And as almost always, the dreams are confused when waking up, diffuse and only loose images are remembered. And among those loose images some are clearer in my mind.

In my dream I hold in my hands some 20x30 cm  size enlargements of some photographs taken of a tree in the center of a landscape, half sky and half plain. It is a tree under different skies and light conditions. Then one word: "ONE". In uppercase.


When I wake up I am confused but with those fixed images in my mind. There are dreams that seem like messages from the subconscious

After a few days I feel the need to take the car and look for that tree. I finally find it. The tree and the landscape are surprisingly quite similar to the one in my dream. And from that moment I began to photograph it.


Almost a year after finding that tree and having photographed it for seven or eight months, I still don't know the meaning of the tree and the reason for the word ONE.


In each photo that I have taken and edited, I  wanted to reflect a state of mind at the moment of taking the photo. Going to visit and photograph that tree became a kind of therapy, a form of expression and letting out what I had inside each time I visited the place.


The last photo is a symbol that I carry with me as if it were a totem, which reminds me of that tree of my dreams.

©Mónica Riveiro Photography, 2023

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